These days, nosotros're all more conscientious about the products we employ on our pare, from non-toxic skincare products to makeup. Simply the one thing we often don't remember about is our makeup brushes and what'due south lurking on those brushes? Clay, oils, and bacteria! This is why cleaning those makeup brushes on a regular basis is so important for both the health of your pare and the longevity of your makeup brushes! Cleaning your makeup brushes, the natural manner, is super easy and budget-friendly. Let me walk you through how to clean makeup brushes and the DIY makeup brush cleaner that I swear by.

Why Clean Your Makeup Brushes?

Almost of us wouldn't think of going to bed without first washing off all the dirt, oils, crud, and makeup from the day. (PS: Here are the best natural confront cleansers, in my opinion.)

Clean makeup brushes with castile soap

This same thought should be applied to makeup brushes. Makeup brushes come up into direct contact with not only skin just also makeup.

  • Makeup brushes tin can collect dirt, crud, oils, and excess makeup. This may cause the brushes to not perform besides over fourth dimension.
  • Another upshot with dirty makeup brushes is the spreading of clay and oils (that lurk on the brushes) to the pare which can cause breakouts.

Just like with the face, it's of import to give those makeup brushes a good cleanse. This is essential for keeping your peel and brushes salubrious.

DIY makeup brush cleaner

How Often Should You lot Clean Your Makeup Brushes

How often you lot make clean your makeup brushes depends on how often you lot utilise them and too if your peel is actively breaking out.

  • If you wearable makeup on a daily basis (or regularly), then washing in one case a week or twice a month is a good idea. Personally, washing my makeup brushes once a week feels like style too much, then I go with twice a month (and sometimes in one case a month considering #life).
  • If y'all just wearable makeup on an occasional basis, you may only need to wash your makeup brushes every so often.
  • If your skin is actively breaking out , washing your makeup brushes one time a calendar week isn't a bad idea. In the past, I struggled with hormonal acne after having my babies (well into my 30's, like many women). During this fourth dimension, I washed my makeup brushes once a week since the brushes were touching the breakouts on my face and I didn't desire the bacteria lingering on the brushes and potentially spreading and causing new breakouts on my face.

DIY makeup brush cleaner with witch hazel and castile soap

What About Makeup Sponges or Dazzler Blenders?

Makeup sponges and beauty blenders are typically used wet, so it can be a convenance ground for bacterial growth. I recommend cleaning sponges and blenders daily, after every use. Using a squirt of castile soap and hot h2o should be expert enough for a daily cleaning.

How to Make a DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner

I originally shared this DIY makeup brush cleaner half dozen years agone on Alive Simply. I tin't believe it's been that long! Since that time, this makeup castor cleaner has become one of the most popular recipes on the blog. Turns out we all really demand to clean our makeup brushes. This recipe is super easy to brand, budget-friendly, and uses easy-to-find ingredients to create an effective makeup brush cleaner that's gentle and tough at the same time.

How to Clean Makeup Brushes

DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner

How to make an easy homemade makeup brush cleaner. Non-toxic and natural, this makeup brush cleaner works to remove dirt, grease, and other pore-clogging debris from makeup brushes. Use this makeup brush cleaner once a week or as often as needed.

Prep Time 5 mins

Melt Fourth dimension v mins

Form DIY

Cuisine Beauty, Body

Servings 1 time employ cleaner for one or multiple makeup brushes

  • i/4 loving cup water
  • ii TB witch hazel
  • generous squirt castile soap
  • Mix the ingredients together in a drinking drinking glass or small basin.

  • Add together the makeup brushes to the mixture. Classy the brushes back and forth in the mixture and then let them soak for a few minutes.

  • The mixture will go from clear to muddied very quickly. Afterward a few minutes, remove the brushes, dump the solution, and rinse the brushes under fresh, clean water.

  • Let the brushes residual on a towel to completely dry.

This makeup brush cleaner is designed to exist made once and used for a ane-fourth dimension cleaning. If you want to brand the recipe in advance and store information technology in a jar for multiple uses, run across the original recipe.

Let me know how information technology was!

castile soap and witch hazel makeup brush cleaner

The Best Makeup Brush Cleaner Ingredients

Witch hazel is an severe that comes from a plant. It's a naturally-derived ingredient that has been used for centuries for skin health and to fight off infections. This severe will aid remove foundation and other makeup residue from the brushes. If you don't have whatever witch hazel, just use extra h2o and castile lather instead (I've done this many times).

Castile lather is a plant-based soap made from vegetable oils (olive, coconut, palm) and plant oils. It's very effective at removing clay and germs and will help loosen the dirt and oils from the makeup brushes. There are many means to use castile lather.

Both products are easy to discover online (via Amazon) or in stores (typically the body or pharmacy department).

clean makeup brushes

Watch How to Make clean Makeup Brushes

Break out your makeup brushes this weekend, make this DIY makeup brush cleaner, and relish the amazing experience and do good of using freshly-clean makeup brushes. I think you'll discover a difference in non but the application of your makeup but also the health of your pare.

How to Clean Makeup Brushes The Natural Way